Decisions, decisions......
Do I watch more episodes from Season 1 tonight, or do I watch Design Rules, a show on BBC America, hosted by Laurence Llewelyn Bowen? Hmmm..... I might have to do both. I watched Harper 2.0 last night and discovered that the Abyss has been a part of the series since early season 1. From all the whiney, Tyr loving and Kevin Sorbo hating posters on the internet message boards, I got the impression, wrongly as I discovered last night, that the series had started off well and only just recently (since the Great and Special Tyr left) went to h-e-double hockey sticks with all this Abyss and Route of Ages stuff. I personally like that stuff and think the show's pretty good. It's entertaining, and it doesn't get all bogged down in techno-babble like Star Trek. Andromeda is a people oriented show and I think that's great. It's more like ST: The Original Series than Next Generation or any of the other Star Trek series.
Well, now that I've offended tens of millions of Star Trek fans, I think I'll beat a hasty retreat................. :)
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