
Spotlight on: Brent Stait

Brent Stait played Rev Bem on Andromeda. Rev is a Magog wayist. A Magog is a vicious furry alien. Click here for the official description of the Magog species. A wayist is a peaceloving religious person. So, it's an interesting contradiction. I heard a story that Brent Stait couldn't continue playing Rev Bem because the make-up used to transform the actor into the character was too irritating to his skin. So, hopefully Brent is feeling a lot better. A later episode had his character go through some kind of transformation in which he lost a lot of his Magog looks. So, maybe the new make-up design will mean Rev Bem will be back for a few more episodes sometime in the future. Here's a link to the Unofficial Brent Stait website.


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