
Phear Phactor Phenom

This was another really good episode. They found Harper and Doyle and what was left of Rommie in this episode. So, now we can finally get to the point of the season. What is Dylan's goal? And Harper wasn't angry at Dylan like those message board posters claimed all the people were mad at Dylan. Also, there were two Trances in this episode. Along with two suns in the system they are in. No coincidence there I think. There was a lot of heart in this episode. Harper's feelings for Rommie and the people he created in the three years he's been in the Seefra system. Dylan's feelings when he saw Rommie's head. I expected Beka to have more feelings for Harper than she did. They worked together for years before meeting Dylan. So, it looks like Rhade's comment from last week about Beka's lack of loyalty now has an element of truth to it. Next week, Doyle is supposed to learn about her true nature - I'm guessing she doesn't know she's an android. That should be good. And I just noticed something - Doyle -- Dylan. Kinda similar.


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